Rewrite Your Trauma


grayscale photo of topless woman
Photo by Dazzle Jam on

I wonder what would happen if instead of living a life of regret, pain, shame and guilt, we decided to write down the beautiful things about ourselves, and focused on living those beautiful things? I wonder what would happen if we walked in the beauty that we see in ourselves, and not shy away from it, but accept it? I wonder what would happen if we came to terms with the truth that we are worth loving and being loved in return?

We are not used up, unwanted scraps. We do not have to be light hidden under a bushel. We are not our trauma. We have a voice, a heart, a spirit, a mind and a soul. We feel. We ache. But we can find the power to rewrite our trauma. You know, as excruciating and painful as it was, we can turn it into a gift to the self and for the world. We can rewrite it so that we glow and our shine radiates and permeates into the lives of others to bring them wholeness as well. We can give others a lifeline to start their lives afresh.

We can stand on the pillars of hope instead of hopelessness. We can stand on the rock of joy instead of depression. We can stand on the mountain of laughter instead of bitterness. We can stand on the anchor of love instead of hatred. And we can stand on the foundation of compassion instead of anger. We can rewrite our trauma by making the free will choice to do so, uplifting and buoying up not just ourselves, but others who are deeply wounded and unbearably hurt. In return, our hearts begin to thaw out, joy begins to flow within us, peace begins to take over, and salvation and deliverance begin to take place.

We transform from our bitterness into our sweetness. We become renewed, fresh droplets of clean water flowing from our souls touching other lives and giving them reason to live on, and not give up. We can do it, so can they! 

Rewrite your trauma. Rewrite your pain. Turn your ordeal into emancipation for yourself and liberation for others. Let that be the story your life, not your trauma. Don’t allow what injured and devastated you to determine who you will become, instead, turn it around, rewrite your trauma, and become who you should be, a wonderful gift to the world.

Should we, must we, we deny the rest of our precious lives the joy of living, being, expressing, birthing and creating? Must we deny ourselves life itself and all the good it has to offer? I think not. Let’s light our lamps, let them shine, so that we can be free and others can be free.

“No one lights a lamp and then hides it or puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where its light can be seen by all who enter the house.”

                                                                                                             Luke 11:33 (NLT)

Rewrite your trauma and let your light shine!




One thought on “Rewrite Your Trauma

  1. So many people identify WITH their trauma, it has taken over every aspect of their lives and it’s a tough uphill battle to redeeming and forgiving oneself. The trauma becomes the defining thing in one’s life thus making it difficult to shake off. The ONLY time I have felt able to overcome is when I turn to God. All other times I end up in the same/similar quagmire as before. At this point knowing that, I can’t be deterred by non believers, I understand that I HAVE to hold on to Him if I intend to change my future.


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